To make your transaction easy, you can now deposit money at your nearest bank listed in this link and inform us the deposit information through our website. After we have received your deposit information, your account with Globe Securities Ltd will be credited and same amount will be added to your purchase power instantly. Please deposit in any of our online banks and submit the corresponding form to credit your account at Globe.
To deposit please go to this link
Withdrawing money from your account with Globe has become easier than ever. You don't have to come to our office to give the cheque requisition. If you have account with any of the banks listed below and mentioned this accountin your BO information, your money will be directly deposited in your bank account. Therefore, the entire process is online and you can withdraw money from your account without coming to our office at all.
Note: If your bank account mentioned in your BO account is not with any of the banks listed in this link , cheque will be issued against this withdrawal request.
To submit withdrawal request please go to this link